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your winning journey podcast

samantha lee presents

The weight loss podcast for women of color to lose 20 pounds for good

listen to 1:1 client stories

episode 92: Taking Care Of Your Body Postpartum Without Shame Ft. Catalina Del Carmen

episode 67: How To Lose Weight When You Don't Have Time Ft. Honoree

episode 37: Losing 7 Pounds Without Mom Guilt ft. Pajar Vang

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episode 104: Taking Baby Steps To Lose Weight and Get Strong Ft. Sunem Tovar

EPISODE 28: 25 Pounds Down Without FOMO and Setting Boundaries ft. Duacha Yang

EPISODE 30: How Melissa Lost 25 Pounds Setting Small Goals

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Every week, I share how I went diet free (after trying keto, IF, tracking macros and calories, eating weight loss pills, everything you can name of), the lessons I learned to treat my body better, feel connected to my cultural foods and be in control of food again without restricting. You'll hear my raw, honest journey, the mindset shifts I had to make to make weight loss a lifestyle that honors my body, instead of just a trend. 

join the diet-free  diary email community and connect back to your body 

the only weight loss newsletter you need

